
Governance & structure

Throughout its operating term, CRC ORE was committed to organisational excellence and this was underpinned by a robust governance structure. On this page we profile our former:

  • board
  • board committees
  • organisational chart
  • program structure

board of directors crc ore

CRC ORE Board Members as at 30 June 2021: Joe Pease, Bill te Kloot (seated) Dr Sue Keay, Jonathan Loraine, Chair (seated), Christian Larsen, Dr Ben Adair (seated), Stephen Liddell (top) and Peter Rossdeutscher (bottom).


CRC ORE was funded by the Australian Government and the global minerals industry, including Mining companies, METS organisations and Researchers. It commenced in mid-2010 for a 5-year term and was awarded a further 6-year funding term until July 2021. Together with in-kind support, CRC ORE was supported by more than $190m of investment to achieve critical mass and capacity in its second funding term, including $34.4m of federal funding which was supported by major investment and backing by industry.

CRC ORE operated under the following legal agreements:

  • Commonwealth Agreement between CRC ORE and the Commonwealth Government.
  • Participants Agreement between CRC ORE and the Participants.
  • CRC ORE’s Constitution.

CRC ORE encompassed cross discipline collaboration between its Participants to produce innovative tools, techniques and methodologies that transformed the mining industry.

Board of Directors

CRC ORE was governed by an independent, skills-based Board. The Board brought extensive experience in a wide range of industries and disciplines. It delivered strategic advice and guidance on research projects, education and technology transfer activities. Its members understood the operational challenges of business improvement in the minerals sector.

Our former Board

The CRC ORE Board of Directors set overall policy, determined the strategic direction for CRC ORE, directed the research focus and oversaw technology transfer and commercialisation activities through quarterly meetings.

The Board had five key committees:

1. Implementation Council

The Implementation Council was established to facilitate the integration of CRC ORE’s research and development outcomes with current market products and services and transition the results into production scale implementations to improve productivity for Implementation Mining Participants. The Implementation Council was the principal forum to propose and manage integration projects by providing recommendations to the Board regarding the research implementation focus of the Centre and allocation of funds.

2. Centre Funded Projects Committee

The Centre Funded Project Committee provided governance for the Centre funded research, education and technology transfer activities of the company. It provided strategic advice and recommendations to the Board, covering both new Centre project proposals, and monitoring the quality, progress and results of ongoing projects and reports on progress against Commonwealth milestones.

3. Audit, Compliance and Risk Management Committee

CRC ORE’s Audit, Compliance and Risk Management Committee assisted the Board in carrying out its duties to verify and safeguard the integrity of the company’s financial reporting, risk management and legal compliance.

4. Intellectual Property Management & Commercialisation Committee

The Intellectual Property (IP) Management and Commercialisation Committee provided policy direction for the management and commercialisation of the intellectual property created through the activities of CRC ORE.

5. Remuneration & Appointments Committee

The Appointments & Remuneration Committee convened on an as needs basis to focus on appropriate remuneration policies, to enhance corporate and individual performance and to ensure the Company attracted and retained high-quality of directors and senior executives.


CRC ORE's staff came from a multitude of backgrounds and were selected for their expertise across multiple fields.


At the heart of CRC ORE were our collaborations across our participants. See our Participants

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ADDRESS:PO Box 403, Kenmore Queensland 4069


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