CRC ORE‘s aim was to transform the minerals sector by deploying innovative world-class technology to effect a step change in value across the whole-of-mine system. It aimed to ‘Optimise Resource Extraction’ through site implementation of innovation to improve overall productivity.
CRC ORE's focus
CRC ORE’s focus was to radically improve the productivity, energy and water signatures of our mining operations. We were also dedicated to reversing the ‘conventional wisdom’ of grade decline through new gangue rejection techniques.
Our research focussed on extracting more value through optimising all elements of the mining process and extracting value-chain efficiencies. New technologies assessed live on mine sites and then transferred back to the industry.
CRC ORE was formed by a host of forward-thinking collaborators, focused on finding solutions to integrate point solutions and whole-of-system thinking.
This group unlocked the synergies of existing and latent technology already available which has not been integrated on mining sites. They also developed co-creation partnerships to access and implement emerging technologies from other industrial sectors.
This consortium of leaders in the global minerals industry, world-class research institutions and the Australian Government, funded work toward this vision.
CRC ORE had a steadfast commitment to:
- Innovate new solutions, with a fast failure, rapid rewards ethos.
- Repurpose existing technology, often from outside the minerals industry.
- Integrate technology right across the whole-of-operation, to maximise value.
- Extend the life of existing mine sites.
- Transfer new technology and knowledge rapidly to industry, reducing the development prototype-to-product cycle time from 15 to 5 years.
Areas of Research
CRC ORE research projects investigated all elements of the mining process, and sought opportunities to optimise the system through better understanding of the processes and the synergies between processes. This included ore body characterisation, geometallurgy, blasting, comminution, mine planning and economic evaluation.
About the organisation
CRC ORE is a not for profit organisation funded by the Australian Federal Government and the global minerals industry.
CRC ORE commenced in mid-2010 and after its initial 5-year funding term, was awarded a further 6-years of funding until July 2021. Despite the current difficult business cycle in the minerals sector, CRC ORE achieved support of more than $190m in investment to achieve critical mass and capacity. This included $34.4m in federal funding, with the remaining investment through Mining, METS and Research participants.