Annual Assembly 2016

CRC ORE Annual Assembly 2016

30 November 2016
Curtin University, Perth

Presentations are available to Participants in the Presentations section of the Members Area


 Session 1: Making innovation stick


Session Chair
Dr Ben Adair, CEO, CRC ORE


Official welcome
Jon Loraine, Chair, CRC ORE


Transformative technology, tranformative business models and radical efficiency
Peter Bryant, Managing Partner & Senior Fellow at the Kellogg Innovation Network Clareo/KIN


CRC ORE's unique new innovation pathway to drive success
Dr Ben Adair, CEO, CRC ORE


Experience of a start up: the insider look at fast failure and fast rewards
Christian Larsen, Co-founder of GlassTerra & CRC ORE Director GlassTerra & CRC ORE


 Session 2: Innovating the future


Session Chair
Sue Keay, Director, CRC ORE


IES commercialisation innovation
Nick Beaton, General Manager - Integrated Extraction Simulator, CRC ORE


Innovation springboard: CRC ORE's Development Programs
Dr Stephen Walters, Chief Technologist, CRC ORE


Grade uplift for copper and gold via bulk ore sorting
David Miljak, Research Scientist, CSIRO


LIBS instrumentations for mining applications: facts, challenges and future
Mohamad Sabsabi, Principal Research Officer, NRC Canada


AMIRA P9Q: translating research into industry tools for operational improvement
Mohsen Yahyaei, Research Fellow UQ, The University of Queensland


 Session 3: Validating innovation on site


Session Chair
Joe Pease, Director, CRC ORE


Validating innovation on site 
Lee Bolden, Technology Projects - Escondida, BHP Billiton


CRC ORE's collaborative on-site work
Dr Luke Keeney, General Manager - Implementation, CRC ORE


Innovation at AngloGold Ashanti
Vaughan Chamberlain, Senior Vice President: Strategic Technical Group, AngloGold Ashanti


The conduit of hot new ideas and the role of the new Implementation Council
Joe Pease, Director, CRC ORE


 Session 4: Delivering innovation value


Session Chair
Jon Loraine


Delivering innovation value
Dr Wayne Stange, Global Lead Technology & Innovation, Hatch


New technologies blast onto the scene and experience of embedding one of our team with CRC ORE
Stephen Boyce, Global Technology Manager - Mining Applications, Orica


METS Ignited's new vision and its collaborative venture with CRC ORE
Kane Usher, General Manager Innovation, METS Ignited


Wrap-up and actions
Peter Bryant, Managing Partner & Senior Fellow at the Kellogg Innovation Network Clareo/KIN


Event wrap up

CRC ORE Annual Assembly 2016
30 November 2016
Curtin University, Perth

30 November 2016: Key players including Mining industry leaders, METS Participants and Researchers, together with stakeholders from the broader mining industry flocked to Curtin University’s Bentley Campus in Perth on 30 November for CRC ORE’s Annual Assembly 2016.

Aptly themed "unlocking and fast-tracking new value for the minerals sector", the day’s packed agenda focused on how CRC ORE and its Participants are working to develop and deploy innovative world-class technology. This focussed on effecting a step change in value across the whole-of-mine system, which is one of the underlying principles of CRC ORE’s second funding term.

CRC ORE set the scene early with how new technology and solutions will be nurtured and expedited through CRC ORE’s new Innovation Pathway. Attendees enjoyed an upbeat talk on transformative business models and radical efficiency from thought-leader, Peter Bryant. A talk on fast failure and fast reward in the world of start-ups also captured the audience’s imagination.

The day’s agenda then set about showcasing major initiatives from within mining operations, METS businesses and research projects. A line up of mining industry leaders took to the podium to illustrate the cutting edge research, implementation strategies and step change technologies that, if successful, will transform the mining sector. A recurring theme across the presentations was the need to maintain a dogged focus on the integration of point solutions into dynamic, more profitable whole-of-mine scenarios.

Presentations from the 2016 Annual Assembly have been published on the password-accessible members area of the CRC ORE website.

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